Leadership is influence.
John Maxwell
Supporting the CIO function
A Chief Information Officer’s role is much more than overseeing an IT department and technical maneuvering. It is the ability to influence, lead, and foster partnerships.
TechSKill Nation is redefining technology leadership by bringing in years of proven leadership expertise, and board advisory on mission-critical initiatives and to bring about digital transformation in the organization.
Every other CIO is tasked to bring about “digital transformation”, “strategic thinking”, “execution”, and “innovation”. While these are important, we don’t simply use the buzzwords, we strive to accomplish them.
Our CIO advisory services are designed to cut through the fluff and get you to the answers to key points such as developing a technology road map, cloud computing, technology cost optimization, compliance, governance, risk management, mergers & acquisitions, cyber security policies, integrations and business process alignment with technology.
CIOs are often under the impression that they’ll succeed by bringing in the best technology and deploying top-notch solutions. But they fail to see that if they don’t bring everyone on the journey with them, then their good ideas might be perceived as bad ideas and they’re not going to have the business in the boat with them to craft the right solution in a way for the highest value-add.
The ascent of a new breed of leaders
Today’s businesses are experiencing monumental growth powered by cloud services availability and instant access to cutting-edge technologies. Organizations set up to adopt technology innovation by empowering their teams to innovate are leading the market share.
How do you know if the current technology roadmap is aligned with your business growth plans?
Is the change taking too long?
Is cost Effective?
Center of digital transformation?
One study of mentorship in the workplace, from Olivet Nazarene University, found that 76% of the 3,000 professionals surveyed considered having a mentor important or very important, yet less than half actually were in engaged in a mentoring relationship at the time.